
ROBORACE will be a motorsport championship with autonomously driving, electrically powered vehicles.
Entry Fees : ₹ 400 /-
Worth Prize : ₹ 8000  /-
Mahendra Singh Thakur (T.E. Mechanical): +918956256200

•    The maximum dimension of the robot can be 30*30*30 cm (l*b*h)
•    Maximum weight of robot must not exceed 5 kg
•    The power supply will be provided upto 24volts
•    Only manually controlled bot are allowed
•    Each team can have maximum 4 members
•    Every team member identity proof is required
•    Participants should be college students only
•    Overall judgment will be time based that is those bots reaching the finishing line in minimum amount of time shall proceed to final round, which will be time based too.
•    If the bot falls off the track then the bot will be manually placed back to track with a penalty of 5 seconds
•    If the bot gets stuck in any module then bot will be placed manually at the start of the particular module with a penalty of 3/5 seconds
•    The bot can skip 2 hurdles with a penalty of 10 seconds including qualifiers as well as final round
•    The hurdles which are skipped thereafter will lead to penalty of 20 seconds
Check points include bonus points
•    Every hurdle skip would result in penalty in seconds as per the coordinators or judges
•    Pulling wires for adjusting bot during run out may result in disqualification of team
•    Hurdles may include:-  rollers, balls, cans , hanging bridge, black den, circular bridge, humps, sand, grease, pyramid, rotating rods, acrylic slope, vibrator, mud etc

•    Each team will run its manually controlled bot on arena
•    In this round ,your bot will be tested structurally, mechanically, technically and your skills of controlling bot will be challenged upto its peak
•    Your bot have to go through a various modules( hurdles ) as quickly as possible and cross finishing line.
•    There will be penalties and bonus in the competition as well


•    Final round will have same game play as qualification rounds
•    Only those teams to qualified 1st round are eligible to parcitipate in final round
•    Hurdles may be modified in this round and would be disclosed on that day

•    A bot causing any type of damage to the arena will be disqualified
•    The co-ordinators have the right to disqualify any participant indulging in malpractices
•    The decision of the event co-ordinators is final and cannot be debated on

Website Designed By:
Varun Sudhir Karnik
Tushar A. Sali
Gourav R. Kashyap